A Moment of Presence: On Welcoming Ebrahim Rasool Home

By Aslam Fataar

Among those gathered at Cape Town International Airport to welcome Ebrahim Rasool, wife Rosieda and son Tanwir, on their return from the United States—following Ebrahim’s sudden designation as persona non grata—was a galvanising sense of solidarity. The vast gathering was, for many, a moment of personal connection, reflection, and ethical presence.

The bonds between Ebrahim Rasool and many of us who stood there have deep roots. We participated together in the anti-apartheid movement of the 1980s and early 1990s, a time of surveillance, detentions, and political repression.

But it was also a time of purposeful organising, forging non-racial, multifaith, and multiclass alliances and laying the foundations for political platforms grounded in justice, dignity, and human rights. That legacy of strategic and values-based resistance continues to shape how some of us approach the moral and political challenges of the present.

Attending the airport gathering was not intended as a partisan gesture or as alignment with any internal factionalism. Rather, it reflected a moment of solidarity in the face of a troubling diplomatic development—one that raises broader concerns about how dominant global powers treat Global South voices, particularly those who speak clearly on Palestine. The U.S. government’s decision to expel Rasool without a clear explanation deserves thoughtful reflection.

In his public remarks at the airport, Rasool reflected on the honour of having represented South Africa abroad and on the meaning of returning to a country where the values of Ubuntu and mutual recognition still resonate. He spoke of the dignity of being back in a society that has transformed the painful legacy of Sharpeville into a commitment to human rights—extending inclusion even to those who once dispossessed and marginalised it.

These reflections were thoughtful and measured. His emphasis on ethical diplomacy, grounded in a South African tradition of moral clarity and resilience, reminded us that public life—especially international engagement—requires both principle and patience.

On Thursday, 20 March, Al-Qalam published an article I wrote to express concern about the treatment of Ambassador Rasool by the U.S. government. That reflection highlighted the implications of silencing a voice that had engaged critically and diplomatically on global matters, including the question of Palestine. Attending the welcome at the airport and reflecting further in the following days will stem from a continued concern with the values underpinning just international engagement.

Moments like these are rarely straightforward. They are layered with history, emotion, and political complexity. But gestures of presence, when grounded in long-standing relationships and ethical consistency, still carry meaning. They remind us that the work of justice—local and global—often requires both quiet support and public clarity.

In a time marked by the erosion of human rights, the brutality of occupation, and the rise of exclusionary politics, it remains vital to act with integrity and conscience. The values that shaped the past continue to call on us in the present—to speak thoughtfully, stand with dignity, and imagine a future honouring our shared humanity.

Aslam Fataar is a Research Professor in Higher Education Transformation and a member of the Department of Education Policy Studies, Stellenbosch University.

Below follows Ambassador Rasool’s statement made on his arrival for readers to ponder over:

Rosieda and I arrive here today having again being honoured by our country to represent its values that are unflinching in its stand for truth, justice, and the equality of all people. We are indeed moved by this warm welcome after the bewildering reaction of being declared persona non grata for intellectually and politically analysing your host country and preparing your own country for radically new terms of engagement.

It is so good to be home with family, friends, and comrades. After months of relentless attacks that South Africa has had to endure, it is good to feel the dignity of being African. After weeks of sustained assaults on my character and reputation – being called a terrorist, jihadist, Islamist, anti-Semite – it is good to be here at home where we value ubuntu, where we see the human in each other, and where South Africans have turned the tragedy of the Sharpeville Massacre into a celebration of our human rights, even inviting those who despised us, dispossessed us, and discriminated against us, into the fold of human rights.

Such a warm welcome would have been better on returning in 3 to 4 years having successfully achieved a number of critical milestones. I would much rather have:

  • Successfully destroyed the clear and obvious lie of Afrikaner oppression, relentless land confiscation, and white qualification for refugee status in the USA.
  • Successfully reinstated the USA’s Aid funds for fighting poverty and disease in our country, removed because of a blatant lie told by a fringe group in our country, transmitted by powerful diasporeans, and believed by the powerful in the USA.
  • Successfully put in place a reciprocal trade and tariffs deal with the USA that would make both our nations great.
  • Successfully fought for AGOA’s renewal, giving the US public the great benefit of African goods produced by our workers so that our workers can put food on the tables of their families in our townships and villages.
  • Successfully persuaded the USA that their hegemony and security are best guaranteed when we live in a world where mutual security is guaranteed, even for the Palestinians.

This is the work we have been pursuing from my first day of arrival in the USA, this time knowing that under President Trump, the US would be different. But I accepted the assignment because I believe – even now – in the strategic partnership between South Africa and the USA. I went back to Washington believing that a shift to transactionality would work, suspecting there may not be warmth towards us, but that it could be overcome with deal-making, thinking that a relationship based on mutual interests could be sufficient.

That clearly didn’t work. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t find common cause with the USA. We must continue to seek a better world through President Ramaphosa’s leadership of the G20; even if some in the USA only see diversity, equity, and inclusion as a threat.

We must continue to defend the Just Energy Transition Partnership, Pepfar, USAID, and the WHO and the great impact the US was making with such funds in Africa and South Africa; even if some in the USA only want to defend the lie of Afrikaner oppression, genocide, and land confiscation.

We must continue to pursue reciprocal trade and tariffs; even if some in Washington only want us to withdraw SA’s case against Israel in the ICJ. Our relationship with the USA is critically important and so we must continue to pursue dialogue and engagement – even in the face of misguided and damaging Executive Orders.

  • We must continue to pursue AGOA because it is important for our workers. We must continue to pursue a mutually beneficial relationship with the USA whilst standing firm on the principle that South Africa’s hard-won Constitution provides that our country’s domestic and foreign policy is ours to decide. For us in South Africa, especially we who were the oppressed under apartheid, we have a DNA that is attuned to the human condition:
    When WE call to mind the many massacres apartheid visited upon us, from Sharpeville to Soweto, from the Vaal Triangle to Langa, and from Sebokeng to Boipathong; then we are attuned to a genocide in Palestine and our conscience will not allow us to ignore it.
  • When WE have been the victims of apartheid, and saw how it cannot tolerate free speech, an independent judiciary, and even peaceful dissent; then we can smell the birth of chauvinism globally, sense the fear it engenders, hear its words, and see its signs.

Despite these, we chipped away at our tasks, believing that we must soften the ground, wait for a breakthrough, do respectful diplomacy, and yet remain firm on our bottom lines:

  • We can negotiate a lot, but we cannot negotiate away our case against genocide in the ICJ – imagine today, with the ceasefire ended by Israel, that SA did not have the case – what would hold Israel accountable and what hope would the Palestinians have?
  • While we gratefully value our trade with the USA, imagine we withdrew from BRICS and dropped our non-alignment, and we were left with a USA that is unpredictable?
  • We can transact many things, but the historical victims in SA of institutionalized racism, xenophobia, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and every other ism and phobia, we can never transact the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In all of the more than 20 meetings with Senators and Congress Members, in the weekly forums we addressed of Thinktanks and Business Associations, in the few meetings with the Administration, we were forced to discuss seriously how Afrikaners could be refugees in the USA, while ANC leaders are threatened with personal sanctions. We had to avoid arguing how there was a genocide in Israel, in the face of threats to punish us for using Cuban doctors as ‘forced labour”. These are some of the conditions under which we are expected to conduct diplomacy and engage.

But we practice the Diplomacy of Ubuntu, of mutuality and inter-dependence, based on values and interests.
Diplomacy is not the art of lying, but it is the art of telling the truth gently and constructively.
Diplomacy is not flattery or denial, but it is persuasion based on intellectual honesty and integrity.
Diplomacy is not abandoning your core values, but it is about universalizing them for a better world.
Diplomacy is not sacrificing your interests, but it is about pursuing them with dignity.

So when an opportunity presents itself for an Ambassador to make sense of his mission in a fundamentally altered world, to test his fears and observations with his own country, to prepare his own nation for grave challenges to the historical partnership with the USA, there could be no better opportunity than the platform presented by an eminent thinktank like MISTRA, with an audience of academics, intellectuals, and the intelligentsia (minus the one ex-South African anti-intellectual hatchet man hiding under a pseudonym).
This was indeed an intellectual platform to test a thesis – and to prepare the ground for a deal with the USA.

In doing so, we analysed intellectually a political phenomenon, not a personality or a nation. The reason we were, and are, careful as South Africans about our relationship with the USA, and why President Ramaphosa MUST be given the chance to pick up the relationship with the USA is because America is not just one simple construct. It’s the complexity that’s created an unbroken relationship between South Africans and the USA for about 50 years:

In the 1970’s and 80’s the White House and Congress labelled our leaders terrorists, but American workers refused to offload apartheid goods and their citizens refused to eat South African fruit. Our relationship was with the people! In the 1980’s the White House refused to pass the anti-apartheid law, but American citizens forced Congress and Senate to veto Reagan. So, Congress joined the people, and our relationship was with them as well.

In the 1990’s and 2000’s the White House, together with Congress passed AGOA and Pepfar, and we enjoyed a beneficial, yet critical relationship with them, despite unease with the War on Terror, while our citizens marched with their American and global counterparts against it. In most of these years, 600 US companies came here, employing over 200 000 workers, adding value to our products, and investing in our economy.

In 50 years of a complex and nuanced relationship with the USA, we must fight for the relationship, but not at the expense of our dignity because we will not be bullied. We must have an ambassador urgently in Washington, but not to confirm the idea that only a white ambassador devoid of our values can speak to a white president. We must export to the USA our cars, our fruit, and our critical minerals, but we must also export our integrity, our values, and our non-racialism. We must enter into trade negotiations with the USA, because our economy and our people need them.

But we must never trade our sovereignty, lest we be told that China and Cuba cannot be our friends. Our friends are the mighty in the G20. But they are also the downtrodden, the oppressed, and the occupied, whether in Sudan or whether in Palestine. Withdrawing from the International Court of Justice is not an option until Palestine is free and Israel is accountable.

I thank the people who welcome me back to SA and the many who bade me farewell in the USA. Unfortunately, this was not ‘mission accomplished’ with the US government, but I do hope that we are able to salvage our relationship with the USA because it is an important relationship for both our countries and our peoples. But it is a relationship of mutual dignity and respect!

Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool

23 March 2025
Cape Town, South Africa


On Key

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