When Truth is Desecrated
Friday May 10 2024 The Democratic Alliance’s symbolic desecration of a national symbol is not the most disturbing aspect of the recent flag-burning advertisement. Granted, as most commentators have said, it is a crude effort to garner votes at the expense of that which binds all South Africans. Helen Zille believes if the DA does not […]
A Great Man Buried in Simplicity
Archbishop Desmond Tutu led by example in both his life and death. His central message upon death was twofold: live simply so others may simply live and embrace all religious faiths. Lying peacefully in his coffin, he wore a plain white robe, black socks, perfectly polished black shoes, and an interfaith stole around his neck […]
Historian Masilela dies in Thailand

By Zubeida Jaffer Internationally renowned South African intellectual historian and Marxist scholar, Professor Ntongela Masilela passed away in Thailand recently after a long illness. He was 72 years old. He will be remembered for his formidable collection of works much of which can be freely accessed on his website called THE NEW AFRICAN MOVEMENT: http://pzacad.pitzer.edu/NAM/. […]
The Zindzi I knew
By Shannon Ebrahim Zindzi Mandela was larger than life, someone I deeply admired and loved for her immense bravery and passion for justice. She was absolutely her Mother’s daughter, and that is how she would want to be remembered. Having spent the past two years since her Mother’s passing in deep anguish and pain, mother […]
That Woman Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma

By Khadija Magardie The characterization of Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma on social media and even on the pages of some of our serious newspapers rings a sad and familiar bell. That is, to every black woman who has known a career of being constantly mansplained and condescended; of having her judgment dismissed as ‘emotional’ or ‘getting personal’, […]
Charlotte Maxeke, ‘Mother of Black Freedom’

In segregated South Africa, Charlotte Mannya Maxeke dedicated her life to the struggle for women’s rights and education for all. Her pioneering role is only now being rediscovered and more widely reported once again.